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Sund Rock

17 мая 2011 (Вторник), 11:01
day dive
Second deep dive Linus and I planned and executed - Alex just watching down to 80ft (overshot by one) then the reverse sqeeze BS started again So the rest of the dive is a loooong buoyancy exercise Still, fun dive - but I skipped the next one and called it a day.
    dive graph
Dive number: 46
Dive time: 31.5 min
Location: Hoodsport, WA
Dive site: Sund Rock
Visibility: 15-20ft
Weather: sunny
Air temperature: 14 Celsius
Max depth: 24 m
Avg depth: 11 m
Gas type: EAN32
Surface time: 811 min
Dive computer: Suunto Vyper

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